

1.春天公园:(Truc Lam BuddhistTemple) 很漂亮的一个寺庙,离大叻火车站很近,步行就可以到。门票45000盾,学生票23500盾,进去里面可以穿拖鞋或者赤脚。

2.大叻火车站: 大叻火车站是法国殖民时期修建的,所以保留得比较完整,现在成了大叻最著名的地标之一了。拍照什么的都很不错哦!不过就是交通不方便啦~周围没有什么宾馆啊餐厅的,只有一些卖纪念品的小摊子~但是这里真的很美,有山有水,值得一游呀~~

3.大叻花园:(Lang Biang Street & Dai Lau St, Pham Ngu Lao Ward, Dalat City, Lào Cai Province, Vietnam) 这儿是拍大叻火车站的一个好位置,如果去的话一定要记得带一个三脚架咯,因为那个位置很陡要爬上去才行呢……

4.圣皮埃尔古教堂:(Dalat City, Lào CaiProvince,Vietnam) 这个是法国人修建的古老教堂,据说已经有上百年的历史了。里面的装饰都是天主教风格的,很古朴很美腻~喜欢那种风格的朋友可以去参观一下哟~~~门票8万~(话说我咋觉得这么贵……)

5.大叻圣母教堂:(Nha Tha Church is located on the corner of Nguyen Thai Hoc and Tran Hung Dao streets in Da Lat city, about a kilometre from the centre, near Pasteur Primary School.) 这是大叻市最古老的建筑之一,也是大叻最具有代表性的建筑物之一。在20世纪60年代时曾遭过两次大火,但都得到了修复,因此现在的建筑风格和以前的大不相同。这个教堂就在学校旁边,可以从车站坐tuktuk过去哈~

6.塔潘瀑布:(Bao Thanh waterfall, also known as Ta Pan Waterfall(Vietnamese: Bình Tân) or Ba Thau Waterfall (French: chute de Ba Thau), between Dalat City and Ban Ho District is one of Dalat's most popular attractions for locals and tourists alike. It consists of two main falls cascading down the side of a mountain into a pool below.) 个人强烈推荐大家去看看哇!真的超美的!而且距离大叻市区也不远,车程大概也就40分钟左右吧。瀑布边上有小摊子可以买些东西吃,也可以租一套泳裤去水里游泳,但是要注意安全哦!那里人挺多的,估计到了旺季会更挤的吧~

7.达拉斯动物园:(Đất Lệ – an area to the west of Sông Mường Luăk, north-west of Da Lat city center that includes some beautiful hillsides covered in subtropical forests with many wildlife sanctuaries within its boundaries. This zoo covers over 8 hectares and contains animals such as monkeys, deer and pythons.) 在大叻汽车站坐tuktuk大约20多块人民币的样子。票价不太记得了,好像是10000盾左右哈!

8.翡翠农场:(Located at 2,090 meters above sea level in Dong Xuan commune, Van Yen district.The valley is approximately five kilometers long by three kms wide. The farm has been operating since 1964 and there are around eight hundred workers here today, cultivating more than four thousand varieties of vegetables, flowers and fruit trees including bananas, avocados, mangosteens, papayas, lemons and pineapples. There are also various animal enclosures where visitors can see peacocks, ducks, hens, geese, donkeys, elephants, buffalo’s and tigers!) 从汽车站


1、顺化博物馆 顺化博物馆,是东南亚最大的博物馆之一——占地52公顷!里面有很多珍贵的文物和艺术品;

2、巴刹市场 巴刹市场的海鲜价格比其他地区的便宜的多(例如胡志明市);

3、大叻寺 大叻寺庙的建筑风格很独特,像座宝塔;塔高47米,有70个楼梯;

4、越南战争博物馆 越南战争博物馆,这里展示了战时的情景,让游客能更真切地了解那段历史;

5、咖啡公园 咖啡公园位于Tran Phu大道上,咖啡馆内布置得很优雅,在这里点一杯咖啡可以欣赏风景,也可以阅读书籍;

6、岘港火车站 岘港火车站曾经是《情人》的取景地;
